Chesterton BSc

A bit about myself for those interested. I have always been interested in physical activity from a young age and have tried a variety of different things. Through my teenage years being mainly running, swimming and basketball. Then as a lot of young males I wanted to build muscle which led to an shoulder injury that had a domino effect for a few years through Uni and after. It left me debating which path to take in life as it affected the ability to use my hands due to pain when too much stress applied, it has been an interesting journey as now I am recovering it has sparked back my interests within health and fitness in a new light. I have seen the effect that massage and stretching can have to improve problems (turns out I had a trapped nerve and I stretched out my chest and used a massage ball and the pain started to resolve!). That is why I have decided to go down this route to help others to continue doing what they love and enjoy! As massage can help to recover from injuries and to maintain/improve flexibility to assist in preventing injuries occurring. I have been massaging throughout university while studying sports therapy and on and off thereafter. Currently working at a physical therapy clinic full time in Apsley and I am looking to help more people like yourselves in my spare time. My aspirations are to help people in a more holistic manner, to help bring balance within peoples lives.
I also took on the course of Pilates, as I myself have been terrible with core stability and posture in hindsight and have seen that it is foundational to whatever you want to do within fitness and life. Its a love hate relationship as its harder than lifting weights from the mental side which makes it a great challenge! So if you want to join the journey to start building your core stability I can help assist you in the foundations of Pilates!
The big reason though why I believe in helping people keep active and moving? As I have learned from my own experiences, observing people and learning that we all need this for a well balanced being. We all know its good for us but then some still neglect it. As a great saying goes 'healthy body healthy mind, healthy mind healthy body'. One reason people don't exercise is due to old or current injuries. I have learned this from personal experience and that's why I want to help to keep people moving so they can keep healthy in both body and mind. So in future I will be adding assessments and rehabilitation to the services I provide.
I have also done other courses involved in health and fitness such as kettlebell training, GP referral, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM), Osteopathic mobilisation and manipulations.
Things I like to do in my spare time involve reading/listening on personal development and health. Dabbling in things like cards and juggling. Talking to friends over some green tea. Going for coffees. Recently (since 2022) started dabbling in Martial Arts (BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing) as it is great for functional movements (really helped improve my core and lower back pain, though not clinical advise! Ensure to be cleared by appropriate therapist, to be taken at own risk!), a sweaty workout, and mindful for the mind! Enjoy running with the girlfriend 2-3 days average per week. Also enjoy being outdoors (as humans should! though movies and series are also enjoyable!:)).
Sports Therapy BSc MSST - Hertfordshire University
I studied at Hertfordshire for 3 years plus a placement year in between, I graduated in 2017. The placement year involved half at Bournemouth Football Club and half at a private physio clinic. There were other placements throughout the course also. Sports Therapy helps to assist in injury assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal conditions.
I qualified as a personal trainer while studying at Uni and have worked at the Gym Group in both Bournemouth and Hemel Hempstead training clients.
I Qualified in 2019 as a Pilates Instructor as I saw it as great benefit to learn for myself and also that I can see it as a great sequence of exercises to help people build their core to enable them to keep doing things they enjoy (so as a supplement exercise or even your main source!).
Personal Training (level 3) and Pilates Instructor Qualified